
対面およびオンラインで集まった各国の産学官の識者に加わり、カーは、これまでの医療の在り方「ブレイク&フィックス(Break & Fix: 重篤な状態になってから治療するトラブル・シューティング)」は、「プレディクト&プリベント(Predict & Prevent: 予見および予防)」へ移行することが重要と強調しました。また、カーは、アムジェン株式会社が複数の地方自治体および保健事業の支援を専門とするキャンサースキャン社と共に実施した「骨粗しょう症疾患啓発事業(疾患啓発コモンズ)」の結果を紹介し、「イノベーションを活用して検診による疾患の早期発見や健康モニタリングなどの積極的なアクションを促すことで、患者さんは適切な時期に適切な診断と治療を受けることが可能になります」と語りました。
【日経チャンネル アーカイブサイト】
What do we need for health promotion of older people and extending healthy life expectancy?
My Linh Kha emphasized the importance of change in a healthcare model at a major international conference
My Linh Kha at the Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference

The conference reports are to be published by Nikkei Shimbun (December 20) and Financial Times (December 28). The video recording is also available at Nikkei Channel.
Asia Pacific is the fastest aging region in the world, which makes coming up with solutions for the widespread and multifaceted healthcare challenges of an aging population more important than ever. In November, My Linh Kha, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Japan Asia-Pacific, Amgen, said during a panel at the Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference in Japan, “healthy aging is enabling our elderly to live a long, dignified and healthy life.”
Joining leading experts from industry, academia and government around the world, virtually and in-person, My Linh spoke of the importance of moving from ‘Break & Fix it’ to ‘Predict & Prevent’ models of healthcare. Kha introduced top-line results from one of Amgen’s osteoporosis disease awareness programs aimed at the prevention of particularly high-risk secondary fractures which was conducted in partnership with municipalities and CancerScan Inc., a company that supports local government health promotion programs. “By innovative screening or health monitoring programs to encourage positive behaviors, we can see more patients are diagnosed and treated appropriately at the right time.”
The panel was moderated by Professor Tan Chorh Chuan, Chief Health Scientist, Ministry of Health Singapore. The other panelists were Professor Yasuhiro Suzuki, President of the International University of Health and Welfare; his colleague Tadayuki Mizutani, Director, Division for the Coordination of Health Care and Long-term Care, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan and Professor Jean Woo, director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing in Hong Kong.
Listen in to the session to hear each participant reflect on the need for resilient, prosperous and sustainable ‘Silver Societies’.
You can now hear the whole session by clicking on this link [English|Japanese].